Cooler temperatures have finally arrived. Check your vehicle now for the following to make sure that it takes care of you this fall and winter:
Tires - Typically cooler weather will lower the pressure in your tires. Check them to ensure they are properly inflated per your manufacturer's specs.
Battery - Don't let the first frost put a bite on your car's ability to start. Check your battery's performance to ensure that it has proper cold cranking amps to get you moving. Many auto part stores will provide complimentary battery checks-just ask!
Alternator - Depending on your car's age, the alternator may need to be checked. It serves as the generator of power charging your car's system. It works in tandem with your battery-you can't have one without the other.
Starter - The starter feeds from the battery. If your car seems to "drag" when you turn on the ignition, then it may be due to a dying starter relay or solenoid.
These are all just preliminary checks to make on your car, but they can save you time, money, and prevent you from being stranded on that 20 degree morning!